Monday, August 22, 2011

School shopping for Tyler clothes..

This year, Tyler felt he wanted to have specific jeans. O'Course, I gave in to him since this is his high school years. I thought I would be paying around $50 for all to get the free shipping. What do you know, after looking for about an hour, we couldn't find the jeans he had before. However, he did find another pair that he likes, so I placed the order and ended up spending $39.98 and that even had free shipping.. Hot Dog!!! Now, we get to wait for it to show up and find out if they will actually fit him. This is why I hate to order clothes off the internet because sometime clothes does not fit right. Now, we play the waiting game of 6 to 8 days to ship to find out if they actually fit or if I have to send them back. Picking was slim and we got what we can. Now, I just need to worry about some shirts for him and a few more school items. However, I get to finish school shopping after school has started September 6th. Can the days count down faster.

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