Monday, August 22, 2011

Farm Fresh Visit on August 17th

On August 17th was a very busy day. I babysitting for my sister while she was in court. I had plan to gather up my coupons while I was with the natives. However, that did not happen. However, when my sister got back from court, we both figured out our shopping list and coupons, so we could go shopping. My last post about Farm Fresh and receiving 6 $5 coupons and 1 $2 coupon from them the week before. I only had plan to use a few of them so I could use the others for this coming week purchase. I didn't take a picture of this purchase and wish I did. However, I walked in the store only planning to pay a little under $5 for all  my purchase. I manage to only pay $1.12 for $65.70 of food. That was a 100% saving. I did so awesome that day and my sister was waiting for me and was amaze that I only spent that much money for it all. I just wish I had more of those $5 coupons that I got from all that general mills items the week before. I also was short a couple of items and my sister gave me 4 things to put with my order and coupons. However, I thought I gave the lady all my coupons and when we both got home, I realize that I had one coupon that I didn't give the lady. If I would have gave the lady the coupon, I would have had to find a filler to end up paying ZERO for all my food. Since the coupon would have double from $1 to $2. So, I did great that week. Thanks sis for talking me into using those other coupons that I was planning to use this week. I had a great and awesome day then.

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